

Hostel accommodation for students is available in Govt. Polytechnic College, Bathinda for 174 boys at present and they may avail this facility. Boys students applying for admission to the Hostel shall submit the applications in the prescribed form to the Hostel Warden Sh. Abhinav Soni.The resident student will be required to pay prescribed fees/funds The resident students shall have to strictly abide by rules and regulations framed for the hostel. They are under the disciplinary control of the Hostel Superintendent and Warden and shall obey all the orders issued from time to time.
Any breach of the rules of the hostel by any candidate is liable for the severe punishment amounting both to expulsion from the Hostel and the Polytechnic College. Girls students applying for admission to the Hostel shall submit the applications in the prescribed form to the Hostel Warden.